“Nufarul” real estate complex is located In Botanica district, on 47/6 Dacia Street. The overall area of commercial space is 2,874 sq m. On the territory of “Nufarul” there are not only commercial boutiques, as it is usual for trade centres, but also enterprises providing consumer and banking services, as well as several cafeterias.
Key renters are Moldova Agroindbank, “La placinte” restaurant and “Vizita” clothing store. Each of those renters (by the way, they are all leaders in their fields in the Moldovan market) received enough space to provide quick and quality services to their customers, who mainly live in Botanica, without generating queues. Here there is also consumer service centre “Nufarul” that provides dry cleaning of textile, leather, fur and carpets, pillow cleaning and laundry washing. The new commercial centre provides the broadest offer of products and services: clothes for men, women and children (even wedding gowns!), household appliances, cosmetics, jewellery, souvenirs, flowers, household and office products, food, drinks and money other things that would be difficult to enumerate. We shall only mention that on the ground floor there is jewellery shop “Paradis” and a large book shop of Inttal company.
Over 200 people work in the new real estate complex in Botanica. Vladimir Guritenco, praetor of Botanica district, participated in the official ceremony of opening of “Nufarul” real estate complex . General Director of “Nufarul” SA Mr. Ion Negru expressed deep gratitude to those who actively participated in designing and building the new real estate complex : “Moldconsruct Market”, “II Pasecinic”, “Termoclima” and many others. Due to these companies “Nufarul” is not just one of the many real estate complex, but a real architectural jewel of Botanica district. It is located at the cross-roads of Dacia boulevard and Burebista street, quite near to “Zimbru” football stadium. Working hours of “Nufarul” real estate complex: every day, without day off, from 9-00 to 21-00.